Business is good
Build a team that’s got your back
We work with a certain type of personality. If this is you, and you’re an MSP owner, then we’re definitely a fit.
If this sounds like you and you’re another type of professional service provider, contact us today and let’s see if we’re a match.
I care less of what doesn’t matter, and more of what does. I have a passion for entrepreneurship, and I live to remove the barriers that hold businesses down.
It’s about having a sounding board and a relationship that encourages you to get up and do what you like to do.
The name Red Earth comes from my time spent in Peru. I rode a Yamaha XT 350 through the red clay and dust from community to community working as a Microfinance Specialist with a Christian international development agency.
Our jungle bungalow was 550 sq. ft and it had no extra storage space. As a result, we didn’t have much in our house, but we were still the rich ones – less time spent maintaining, more time spent living and doing!
Less is more. It’s about opportunities, new horizons, possibilities, new mindsets.
To grow, you need a hand-up not a handout, which is the approach we take to provide opportunities for all.
Red Earth celebrates those displaying independence and willful determination, recognizing that it drives us and those we serve.
I serve those who are energized by risk and are actively charting a unique course to achieve extraordinary results.
We live and breathe by these beliefs. The businesses owners who are a personality fit also share our values.
Gratitude is at the core of Red Earth because I realize so much of what I’ve been given is outside my control.
Red Earth appreciates the relationship among healthy businesses serving communities to help them thrive.
– Rebecca Schroeder, President, Whiteshire Hamroc LLC