Tag Archives: Practice Management

If You Care About It, You Will Track It

Calories. Blood sugar level.Cholesterol.Money. Weight.If we care about it, we track it.So when someone questions the profitability of a segment of your business, that answer should be readily available. For example, is that office making you money?Simple question. ​Is the investment you have allocated undertaken in time, energy and capital producing a return adequate to compensate for the risk taken? ​ It should be a simple question of pulling a f […]

Did My Practice Get a Tax Cut?

With the tax cuts passed in December of 2017 and most of them taking place in tax year 2018, many professional practices are asking if they received a cut. While the cuts were broad and impacted most industries, there are some who will see no business tax cut. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) gave the individual taxpayer a reduction in rates, reduced the number of brackets, almost doubled the standard deduction and made all sorts of problems for individuals in high tax states, b […]

Case Study: Optometrist Saves 20-30 Hours Per Month by Going Paperless

The hours of paperwork and bills in running Family Optometry business were taking their toll on Dr. Eric Dale. He loved taking care of his patients and leading his team, and he led the organization of 18 staff and three offices, including three other optometrists working with him. But he was exhausted, and he didn’t have any time to spend with his family. When an optometrist from a neighboring community approached him about Family Optometry purchasing his practice, Dr. […]